Financial returns can be sent to the following email address:
[email protected]
Electoral Financial Returns: Templates
Leadership & Nomination Contestants
- P 04 925 - Financial Return of Registered Leadership or Nomination Contestant
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)
- P 04 903 - Instructions to Official Agent for Completing the Electoral Financial Return of a Candidate
- P 04 901 - Electoral Financial Return of a Candidate
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)
- P 04 927 - Instructions for Completing the Joint Financial Return for Registered District Association and Candidate
- P 04 923 - Joint Financial Return for Registered District Association and Candidate
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)
- P 04 921 - Joint Financial Return of Official Representative and Official Agent of Registered Independent Candidate
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)
- P 04 917 - Financial Return of Official Representative of Registered Independent Candidate
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)
- P 04 929 - Electoral Financial Return of an Unregistered Independent Candidate
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)
Political Parties
- P 04 907 - Instructions for Completing the Electoral Financial Return for Registered Political Party
- P 04 905 - Electoral Financial Return for Registered Political Party
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)
Third Parties
- P 04 965 - Advertising Expenditure Report of Registered Third Party
(Adobe file) (
Excel file)